Structured Online Sea kayaking Courses

The OSK Library is always growing and ALL of these courses below are included with your monthly or annual subscriptions. This is over 31 hours of high quality video lessons


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Sea Kayak Leadership Course

If you find yourself responsible for other paddlers on the water (either as a club leader, commercial leader/guide or just looking after friends) then this course will help you develop the skills to lead folk on safe enjoyable journeys. We take a look at some key leadership principles before moving them into specific ocean environments. 

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Expedition Skills for Sea Kayakers

Sea kayaks are amazing vehicles for exploring and heading off on multi day trips. This course looks at what kit we might need, how to plan expeditions and how to stay safe and comfortable on wilderness sea kayak expeditions. 

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Paddling in wind and waves course

In this course we delve into the physics behind taking a sea kayak out into the wind.  We then use this knowledge and understanding to develop the skills to easily turn in wind as well as comfortably paddle the direction you want to go on a journey out in wind. The second half of the course will look at rough water boat handling.

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Forwards paddling course

The forwards paddle stroke is probably the most important skill in sea kayaking as its the one we use the most. Developing an efficient stroke will really improve our enjoyment and ability as a sea paddler. This progressive and comprehensive series of lessons helps improve your forwards paddling stroke. 

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Rolling a kayak Course

This structured and progressive 36 lesson rolling course helps you work with a paddling partner to develop the roll.  With lots of exercises and technical content the course breaks the roll down into its component parts.  We then move on to help you develop a reliable bombproof roll in conditions. 

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Edging and Turning  Course

This series of 37 lessons guides you through how and why we edge our kayak before moving onto looking at ways to turn and control our boat. We start with sweep strokes and then move on to outside edge and inside edge turns. All this along side lots of great exercises and technical content.

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Sea Kayak Rescues Course

This 46 lesson course covers all aspects of sea kayak rescues.  The first section looks at the deep water rescue in detail giving you all of the techniques and exercises to help you perform fast and effective rescues.

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Paddling in tide Course

This 28 lesson course progressively works through all the skills we need to confidently control and handle our sea kayaks in the tidal water environment. The first lessons work through the fundamental skills of kayak control in the flow and the second part of the course has lessons on how to paddle in tide races.

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Navigation and Planning Course

This detailed and comprehensive course goes through everything you need to plan a safe and enjoyable day trip along a coastline. With over 70 lessons the course goes through weather and forecasts, charts and maps, tides and then brings all of this together in the planning lessons. The course then moves into advanced navigation planning trips on more committing sections of coastline and areas of strong tides. There is also an option to upgrade to an OSK Certified course with practical chart exercises and assessments.

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Surfing a Sea Kayak Course

This course gives you all of the knowledge and skills to understand the surf forecasts, Land and launch through the surf zone and all the way to mastering control on a diagonal run and staying straight.  With 42 individual lessons, the course breaks down the key foundations and skills to enable you to progress your understanding and kayak handing in the surf with structured exercises

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Staying Upright Course

With 39 individual lessons, you will have everything you need to develop a stable platform for your sea kayaking.  Simon will break down the Low Brace and the Low recovery as well as the high recovery.  Giving you individual exercises and teaching you how to work with a paddling partner to develop your techniques in a controlled environment.  The course is designed to keep you upright out in surf and conditions but uses the calm water environment to create the foundations.

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Ruddering Masterclass

This course breaks down the bow and the stern rudder into all of their component parts and will give you a complete understanding of the strokes.  The 27 lessons have practice exercises and help you structure your learning giving you effective rudders for the surf, between rocks and along journeys.

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Core Principles

These are the lessons James and Simon call their core principles.  These are critical skills or knowledge that apply to many different strokes and aspects of sea kayaking.  They will be adding to this course continually to help you get a solid core to your paddling skills.



Need some inspiration? This area of the OSK Library has a series of short films and documentaries on sea kayaking.  Including OSK Productions 'Sleeping Giants' A film exploring Iceland by sea kayak and two 30 minute expedition documentaries  

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Moving Sideways

Sea kayaks are designed to go forwards efficiently and so it's important to have an efficient technique to move you sideways. This 20 lesson course will help you develop efficient draw stokes. We cover the classic draw, sculling draw and the hanging draw strokes.  

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Introduction to Sea Kayaking

Our Introduction to Sea Kayaking Course will take you through everything you need to know to get a float and started on your journey as a sea kayaker.  The OSK Library can be a little overwhelming for someone just starting out in the sport with so much content to choose from.  The 19 lesson Introduction course goes into just enough detail to help you get started in the sport.  When you have completed the introduction course and are happy out on the water you can then choose one of our comprehensive and detailed courses to develop individual skills.

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OSK Community Area

We have a dedicated space for OSK subscribers to join in on our live events including webinars, workshops and Q & A sessions.  We also have an OSK Community app for your mobile device so that you sign up and sign into our live events and engage with the OSK Coaches and Community.


Coaching Sea Kayaking

If you want to help other paddlers develop their skills then this is the perfect course to develop your coaching skillset.  We cover topics like how to help your students become independent learners, ways to develop long term learning, task design , giving feedback, understand needs vs wants and so much more in this comprehensive course. You may be a club paddler and your peers have been asking you for help with their paddling or you may be a coach working in the industry looking to develop your coaching.  

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First Aid for Sea Kayakers

For this course we have worked with Steve Bowens from H2O Training.  Steve is an incredibly experienced first aid trainer as well as a surf lifesaving trainer assessor.  He combines his knowledge developed as a sea kayaker and as an aquatic first aid provider to deliver a course specifically aimed at sea kayakers.

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Fitness, yoga and health for sea kayakers

As kayakers we need to look after our bodies to be able to paddle and perform skills efficiently.  In this course we have a variety of lessons to help you either maintain or develop your strength and flexibility. 

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Great videos that really shows all the aspects of different strokes and skills. would recommend it for both novice kayakers as well as experienced paddlers. Lots of useful tips for me as a coach too.


This course is brilliant - very well put together with high definition footage and easy to understand descriptions of techniques. I have used much of the course material on the water and in theory and it is faultless. I just keep going over and over and it never gets old. Great job guys - I thoroughly recommend to beginner, intermediate and enthusiasts alike - great stuff 😎


Videos are brilliantly shot, simple to follow. Love the use of multiple angles, really helps to understand the full picture of a movement. Great resource, amazing!


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