Surfing backwards

Jun 17, 2020

Here is our firs blog post of many to come.

Many paddlers ask why?  At first glance there seems little point in learning how to surf backwards in a sea kayak.  Most paddlers want to be able to comfortably land and launch through the surf to go on a journey and explore the coastline.  I agree that being able to surf backwards is not going to help you achieve this in most circumstances.  However.... 

Surfing backwards is a challenge its also a skills development tool and last but not least it can actually be fun!

As you learn to surf backwards your rolling will get lots of practice out in the surf environment which will help develop your confidence.  When you succeed in controlling a kayak surfing backwards and manage to stay upright you will certainly feel as though you have achieved a challenge.   

The lessons on surfing backwards in the online surfing a sea kayak course give you everything you need to know to help you develop the technique.

I hope you enjoy the challenge and remember to start off in small surf.

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