OSK - from friendship to business.
Oct 05, 2023
The idea and concept of Online Sea Kayaking was developed by old friends and paddling buddies Simon and James. The two met over 25 years ago at Aberystwyth University on the west coast of Wales. Attracted by the great paddling the area offered it was a top location. Easy access to the awesome rivers of Mid Wales and the mountains of North Wales combined with the (occasional) great surf on the coast there was plenty to distract James and Simon from their studies.
Simon had moved there from Shrewsbury on the Welsh borders. His dad, known to everyone as Mr Oz, had got Simon into paddling from a young age. Oz ran the local college kayak club and Simon was able to cut his teeth paddling Welsh classics as well as Alpine white water on the legendary annual college Alps trip.
Young Simon having fun on the river Dee
James had moved from York over in the North East of the UK. Early years paddling white water on the Wharfe, the tees and sea kayaking trips around the caves at Flamborough head got James hooked on paddling from a young age. The support of his local kayak club and scout group being a major contributing factor in his enthusiasm for paddling.
A young James on the Llugwy in North Wales
In University holidays James and Simon along with mate Phil Clegg (now a local kayak coach) would head out to the Alps to paddle white water. Both enjoy memories of fires next to the Rabioux wave taken turns to surf and hit up runs of the Ubaye, Durance Gorge, Guil. This time on white water only served to fuel a lifetimes passion for paddling.
After Uni the two went on to travel, time in Canada Skiing and dipping into to BC white water. In 2002 Simon hatched the plan to paddle round the UK to raise money for leukaemia in memory of his brother who he sadly lost when he was young. This UK circumnavigation was to prove to be a real challenge for the 22 year old who, at this point, although a skilled paddler had limited sea kayaking experience. However, after 112 days (including plenty of bad weather days) Simon completed the trip and realised his passion for sea kayaking and sea kayak expeditions.
Simon and James on an Alpine Mtb Adventure in 2018
The two reunited at Nigel Dennis’s outdoor centre, Anglesey Sea and Surf Centre, in North Wales. Both became involved in coaching sea kayaking, leading trips and expeditions as well being involved in the sales of Nigel Dennis sea kayaks. The years spent working at Nigel’s centre gave James and Simon masses of experience working alongside other highly experienced coaches, delivering sea kayak courses and leading expeditions.
James was to stay in North Wales eventually setting up his own business specialising in sea kayak coaching and guiding. During this time he was super fortunate to paddle and guide in many places around the world and develop his love of working with paddlers to reach their sea kayaking goals.
Simon moved south to start Sea Kayaking Cornwall with Jeff and later Shaun. The team built a large sea kayak coaching and guiding company which allowed Simon the opportunity to coach and guide not only in the awesome Cornish waters but also around the world. Simon also managed to fit in several personal trips including sea kayak expeditions to Madagascar and South Korea.
The two had bounced the idea around of an online platform allowing subscribers access to progressive sea kayak skills content. Having seen a similar concept used in the mountain bike arena they were interested to see if the same would be well received by the sea kayaking community.
Early filming took place in Croatia. This helped guarantee nice clear water and sunny skies. Local film and sound engineers were employed to help create quality footage that would not only educate but inspire paddlers. The concept of OSK was to allow subscribers access to progressive and detailed sea kayak skills video lessons. Broken down into easily digestible sections with exercises and tips for the viewers to take out on the water. Community was a big focus aswell. Members could ask questions, share ideas and look for feedback.
OSK started with 3 courses, surf, staying upright, ruddering and a core area. This has grown dramatically over the years to include course like rescues, rolling, navigation and newer courses like coaching sea kayaking and first aid.
Money was reinvested in newer, higher quality filming equipment, drones and audio equipment. James and Simon both upskilled and developed their filming and editing abilities. The two now do the majority of the filming and editing themselves, allowing better control on the quality and technical content.
We're gonna need a bigger boat. James and Si on a recent filming trip in Dorset.
James still lives in North Wales with his family and, when he is not editing or on the water paddling, loves to spend his time in the mountains. Weather that’s on a bike, climbing, split boarding or just having adventures with mates.
James out in the alps on a recent Ski Mountaineering trip.
Down in the beautiful county of Cornwall, with awesome access to the stunning Cornish coastline, Simon lives with his family. Simon fills his time, outside of sea kayaking, with wing foiling, mountain biking, surfing and having adventures with family and friends.
Simon on a recent trip to Costa Rica
James and Simon are thrilled with how OSK has developed and, with lots of new exciting developments (big one in 2024, shhh), can’t wait for the future.
Massive thanks for the support to all our subscribers current and past,
Simon and James
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